Move/change details of uploaded videos

Uploaded media can be managed from the Video Portal by logging in to the My Videos site and clicking on the Manage tab.

Once the table loads, you will see a list of all media you have uploaded to the Video Portal.

Clicking on the thumbnail of the video will take you to its corresponding page on the Portal where it can be played.

Click one of the options at the end of the row to change the video’s details, remove, or download it.

Clicking ‘Details’ will take you to the ‘Edit video details’ page where you are able to change the metadata of the video, for example the title, description and author, as well as uploading replacement subtitle files.

You can also change the area where the video is published, and who it is visible to, by using the dropdown boxes on this screen.

Be sure to click Update to save any changes. Edits are usually applied within ten minutes or so of the change being made.