Review and manage your podcast recording preferences

If you are associated with courses in the timetable which are set to record by the Podcasting system, you should have received an email inviting you to review and manage your lecture recording preferences.

You should visit the recording preferences page to check what events are currently scheduled to record and, if you are happy with this, there is nothing further that needs to be done.

Alternatively – you can choose to hold recordings for editing before they are published, or opt-out or podcasting if you feel this is necessary.

Opted-out podcasts and DASS students

Note that opted-out podcasts will still be recorded if there are Disability Advisory Support Service (DASS) students on any of your courses who require podcasts are part of their support plans.

Video camera enabled locations

If you are teaching in a room which is equipped with a video camera, you can also opt-in to recording video as part of the Podcasts.

Need help?

Further information can be found on the set your recording preferences page.

If you require further support, please contact the IT Services Support Centre.