CSSC Admin Guide

This page explains how to use the CSSC Room Monitor to view and record specific rooms, and also how to add more users to a recordings which has already been made so they have permission to view it.

Room Monitor

Access the Room Monitor by going to the following address in a browser: https://simulation.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/ and logging in with your University credentials.

Overview of all rooms

The overview screen shows a view of each of the simulation rooms.
CSSC Monitor

The default view is of the video camera, but you can change this by clicking the menu icon at the top left of the page().

Using the menu you can increase or decrease the size of the rooms by zooming in (+) or zooming out (-) respectively.

For rooms which have 2 cameras you can also select specific cameras to view, or select ‘screen’ to view the recording screen in the room rather than the camera.

The filter buttons at the top of the page can be used to show specifics rooms, as explained below. You can also search for rooms by typing their names into the search box to the right of the filters.

Button Purpose
Show rooms which are down filter button show rooms where equipment is currently offline
recording filter button show rooms actively recording
clear filters button clear applied filters
logout log out

Individual room view

Clicking on a room will take you to the room view screen.

CSSC room view

The video player shows a live stream of the room. On this page you can move the camera to a desired location using the controls, and also start/stop recording in that room.

To access the camera or recording controls, you will first need to disable the lock by pressing the
lock controls button

The camera is controlled by pressing the directional arrows. Please note that because the video stream is live; after a button is pressed there will be a delay before the camera actually moves, so you will need to wait.

You can also zoom in or out with the camera using the + or buttons.

To start a recording in a room press the record button :
record button
To stop a recording press the stop button :
stop recording button

Adding more users to a recording

Go to the My Videos tab on the Video Portal at: https://video.manchester.ac.uk/my/videos (note this page is only available to staff).

Click the Manage Videos button to be shown a list of recordings you have access to.

Click Edit next to the appropriate recording and you will be taken to the edit screen where you can change data such as the title, description, section where the video should appear and who the video should be visible to.

In the ‘Visible to’ field you will see a list of IDs of users who tapped their cards when the recording was made. You can add more IDs to this field by typing in the staff/student ID, separated by a comma. Please note – IDs can be found printed on staff/student ID cards – but they have an extra digit at the end which you will need to remove when typing in.

For example, if the student card shows the number ‘102305980’ – you will need to remove the zero at the end and type ‘10230598’ into the visible to field. Therefore, if you were adding multiple IDs, the list should look like this: 10230598,5679865,7125898.

Once you have added all of the necessary IDs, click Update.

The added users should now be able to view the videos when the visit the School of Health Sciences area of the Video Portal: https://video.manchester.ac.uk/faculties/fbmh/health-sciences.

Getting help

If you experience any problems or need support, please email us for help.